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District Vision Plan

Lower Polk Alleyways


Can alleyways, notorious for drug activity and prostitution, be transformed into safe, viable, and pedestrian-prioritized public open space? 

The Lower Polk Neighbors, a community-run neighborhood organization, came to Interstice Architects with this question as our office is located in the heart of the Lower Polk Neighborhood. They asked us to develop a 10-year Vision Plan that would both define a unified district of alleyways while enhancing the unique character of each of the six individual alleyways in Lower Polk.



CLIENT: Lower Polk Neighbors


MY ROLE: User Research, Community Workshop Facilitation, Design Strategies

AWARDS: Northern California ASLA Award for Research and Planning, 2016


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Data Mapping

Each alleyway was thoroughly studied and mapped to understand the physical adjacencies, social activities, and amenities on each alley to better know the role of each in the neighborhood of Lower Polk.



Connecting with the Community

I designed flyers, postcards, and door hangers for each of the 3 design workshops to generate excitement within the community about their involvement in designing their alleyways.



Community Input

Workshop 1

We held two community workshops with the Lower Polk neighbors. In workshop one, we address areas of opportunity and areas of concern and mapped them to plan and elevation drawings of the alleyways.


Testing Design Strategies

Workshop 2

In Workshop 2, we presented basic design strategies to resolve issues identified in Workshop 1. We also provided "Coloring Book Pages" (3D Wireframe Views of each of the alleyways) for community members to draw or write in their ideas for alleyway improvement. We realized community members might not be familiar with all of the design possibilities that could happen in the alleyway and created a basket of design options by category (Traffic + Traffic Calming, Furnishing, Light, Signage + Art, and Planting).


Design Guidelines

Two guidelines informed our design strategies: District Unity and Alleyway Character + Identity. District Unity focused on establishing repeatable elements at the intersections of the 3 critical corridors to establish a sense of rhythm and continuity. Alleyway Character + Identity emphasized the distinct elements that make each alleyway unique.


Typical Alleyway

Each alley was broken down into two blocks to look closely at specific opportunities and design solutions. The guidelines for each alley block were developed through the six categories outlined by the “Design Toolbox,” such as lighting, planting or art. Each alley was broken down into one or two critical projects, such as the formation of “The Deck” on Myrtle. The deck capitalizes on the adjacency of Macaulay Park and a record store and cafe to form an outdoor plaza for music events.